
What is cst studio suite
What is cst studio suite

what is cst studio suite what is cst studio suite

  • Error bars indicate to what extent couplings and selfresonances are detuned.
  • Based on the selected filter topology, the software extracts a coupling matrix from the measured S-parameters.
  • The software automatically reads the measured data in realtime
  • Establish a remote connection between CST Filter Designer 3D running on a PC and the R&S®ZNB vector network analyzer.
  • what is cst studio suite

  • Calibrate the R&S®ZNB vector network analyzer and perform S-parameter measurements on the DUT.
  • Optional dynamic range enhancements deliver a dynamic range as high as 150 dB (real dynamic range without receivers going into compression at low transmission coefficients).įully integrated and easy to use There are four steps to tune a filter: The R&S®ZNB base unit provides typically 140 dB dynamic range (at 10 Hz IF bandwidth), which outperforms other, comparable products on the market. Furthermore, the R&S®ZNB vector network analyzer combines high power handling capacity with high sensitivity and low trace noise. It combines high measurement accuracy with exceptional speed – better than 5 μs per point. The R&S®ZNB is the leading vector network analyzer for production environments with a focus on speed, dynamic range and ease of operation. For real-world tuning, CST Studio Suite® supports USB, socket and Ethernet connections for a wide range of Rohde & Schwarz vector network analyzers.

    What is cst studio suite